Review//To all the boys I loved before






To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is the story of Lara Jean, who has never openly admitted her crushes, but instead wrote each boy a letter about how she felt, sealed it, and hid it in a box under her bed. But one day Lara Jean discovers that somehow her secret box of letters has been mailed, causing all her crushes from her past to confront her about the letters: her first kiss, the boy from summer camp, even her sister’s ex-boyfriend, Josh. As she learns to deal with her past loves face to face, Lara Jean discovers that something good may come out of these letters after all

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I first purchased a copy of to all the boys I loved before last year, and how typical of me to leave it to the last-minute to actually get round to reading it. I am not entirely sure if I could even write a review that would give this beauty the credit it actually deserves; but I will most certainly try 🙂

The story follow our quaint but cute protagonist Lara Jean who finds closure in writing her crushes secret love letters, it is never her intention for the letters to be seen by them but that slightly backfires when each and every one of her letters are sent out. This comes at a time when she is beginning to take a path of self discovery, as her eldest sister Margot has moved out leaving her to take on the maternal role.

Before I go on any further I am going to take a moment to applaud the genius that is Miss Jenny Han for creating such an amazing book.


The character development is beautiful as we get to see Lara Jean become  a woman in her own right and learn what it means to be strong. Up until the point of Margot leaving, she very much relies on her for guidance and strength, it is almost as if the loss of her mother has caused her to become dependent on the sibling that took on the maternal role. Furthermore, it was refreshing to see a father be at the forefront of the parental responsibilities, as not just YA but all genres in general tend to either focus on the nuclear family or mother headed household. I actually really liked thier dad, I thought he came across as warm and genuine but wasn’t afraid to show that he struggled at times.

In terms of the siblings, I bloody loved Kitty (Lara’s younger sister). She provided me with such laughs throughout the book because of her frequent sarcasm which always seemed to be on point for a girl of her age. However, I did not feel as connected to Margot because I found her to be highly patronising and rude… sadly I just didn’t really like her character at all.

The plot sees Lara torn between two guys *yas the classic love triangle strikes again haha* and it was pretty tense watching it all come to a head. I don’t want to give too much away about the male protagonists because I feel like being mean today.tumblr_inline_n9eo4xb9cs1qm5fvz

What I will say though is that I think one of the guys is #boyfriendgoals, whilst the other one is a bit of a control freak. Comment below which one you think I am referring to ❤

In all honesty, you guys have to read this book if you haven’t already. If you have, comment below your opinions, as well as who you think I would pick as a boyfriend.

3 thoughts on “Review//To all the boys I loved before

  1. hopereadsbooks says:

    I really loved this book! unfortunately I read it right when it came out and can’t remember what happened well enough to read ps I still love you.

    (ooh and I really hope you are talking about Peter, I loved Josh at the beginning but he ended up constantly getting on my nerves)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Savi says:

      Haha, you definitely go back to it and have a re-read… I am actually waiting on the delivery of PS I still love you. I just hope it is as good as the first one.

      ❤ Yes thank you for being amazing, Peter is #goals. Josh was just so clingy and it made me feel a bit eurgh at times lol


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